113 學年度 國 425 2024-11-11 聯絡簿
- 聯絡簿
- 113 學年度 國 425
- 翁佩禪 於 2024-11-11 17:41:05 發布,已有 23 人次閱讀過
- 明二抽,準備考試用具 2B 、黑筆、手錶等
- 抽考:12468 英數社自國
- 明放學時間正常: 20:25
- (預告)本周五 10:00 施打流感疫苗,帶健保卡
- 札記:訂正中翻英(正解參閱老師的叮嚀)
- Let's wait for them at that place.
- It's time for class.
- Please follow the game rules and be safe.
- I can't wake her up now.
- Can you see those dinosaurs at the door?
- Mom and I can wait for our turn.