
112 學年度 國 406 2024-11-18 聯絡簿

  1. 明 2nd period P.E. , 穿運動服
  2. 考大英 10 月號 3-4, 10-11, 22-23
  3. 訂簽英 U5 文法翻譯(未簽名者, 罰抄中*1, 英*1)
  4. 數習 3-2  & 第三章總複習
  5. 試題寶典 5-3(11/20)
  6. (話劇組) 劇本寫完第二幕 (11/21)
  7. 翰雲: 英 U5 (11/20), 理化
  8. 外師 WA online HW (11/25)
  9. 札記: 
  1. 銷假: 14, 24( 45 生教後方可銷假)
  2. 11301 作業缺點 https://reurl.cc/2j6
  3. 重要行事曆提醒
  • 11/20 (三) 童軍藝文參訪
  • 11/28 (四)~29(五) 第二次段考
  • 12/2 (一) 視力複檢表繳交最後期限+服儀檢查
  1. 外師段考 日程表+範圍+重點提醒
  • 11/25  Reading & Writing
  • 11/25  Listening
  • 11/26  Speaking

Wide Angle 3 Unit 5 Test Outline

  • 5.1 and 5.2 -Please make sure that you study and can understand household items found in the photo on page 52 as well as pages 55-57.
  • 5.3 -Students should know the vocabulary and be able to discuss the vocab from section three and understand the different types of work (i.e., work from home, work from the office). Listening activities on pages 58 and 59 should be good preparation for this section.
  • 5.4 -Students should be able to listen to a video or podcast and pick the main ideas from it. The students should be able to pick out small but important details that individual characters say. The video in 5.4 and exercises 4, 5, and 6 will be great practice.




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