範圍:Unit 5 ~ Review 3
- 單題 (每題3分,48%)
- 克漏字測驗 (每題2分,20%)
- 閱讀測驗 (每題2分,18%)
- 素養題 (每題2分,14%)
- 熟讀教材及黃卷,記熟範圍內文法句型。
- 辨析any/some/no+可數/不可數名詞 於存在句中的用法
- :There are some books on the desk.
There is some water in the glass.
- :There are not any books on the desk. = There are no books on the desk.
There is not any water in the glass. = There is no water in the glass.
- :Are there any books on the desk?
Is there any water in the glass?
- 請熟練課本Review 3 (p.127) 介系詞的用法。