11202 國一英語第一次抽考題型及重點提醒
11202 國一英語第一次抽考
★ 範圍:翰林英語第二冊U1
★ 題型:
第一部份 (答案請寫在答案卷上)
I. 文意字彙﹝限填範圍所學單字,否則不予計分﹞ (每題3分,共30分)
II. 整句式翻譯 (依各題配分,共15分)
第二部份 (答案請劃記在答案卡上)
III. 文法選擇題 (每題2分,共20分)
IV. 克漏字測驗 (每題2分,共20分)
V. 閱讀測驗 (每題3分,共15分)
★ 應考重點提示:
1. 務必熟讀課本、習作、良師、文法宅急通、黃卷。
2. 每逢星期X早中晚,every Monday evening=on Monday evenings。
3. like 像 + N 的用法。 There are not many like LeBron James.
4. with 有了 +N 的用法。With a lot of hard work, they’re both top NBA players.
5. 玩運動play sports / 演奏樂器play the+樂器(play the piano)。
6. do/does 疑問句,詳/簡答用法,省略句
★ Do they play basketball in their free time? Yes, they do. (簡答句用助動詞)
★ They play basketball in their free time, but we don’t. (省略句用助動詞)
★ Does he study English on weekends? Yes, he does. (簡答句用助動詞)
★ He studies English on weekends and Sean does, too. (省略句用助動詞)
7. 特殊句意,如:What does your father do? / You can say that again.
8. 現在式 + 三單 + V-s/es用法,包含直述句/疑問句/Yes-no問句