11201 國二英語期末考題型及重點提醒
11201 國二英語期末考題型及重點提醒
綜合測驗 60% (每題2分,共60分)
克漏字測驗 14% (每題2分,共14分)
閱讀素養測驗 26% (每題2分,共26分)
- 務必熟讀本次考試範圍單字、課文、文法,必須讀熟的素材包含課本、習作、良師、文法宅急通、黃卷和抽三考卷。
- 請教導學生未來式句子中,從屬子句現在簡單式代替未來式的用法,詳參宅急通p. 76-77。
- 請教導學生主詞在團體內或不在團體內的比較級句型,詳參宅急通p. 12。
e. g1. Taipei is bigger than any other city in Taiwan. (同範圍)
=Taipei is bigger than all the other cities in Taiwan.
e. g2. New York is bigger than any city in Taiwan. (不同範圍)
=New York is bigger than all the cities in Taiwan.
- 請教導學生形容詞比較級和其他句型互相替換的句型,詳參宅急通p. 28。
e. g. Taipei is the biggest city in Taiwan.
=No other city in Taiwan is bigger than Taipei. (同範圍)
=No other city in Taiwan is as big as Taipei.
- 提醒學生反向最高級的用法,詳參宅急通p. 28,e.g. The book is the least useful of the five.
- 提醒學生表達「最不可能的」的用法,詳參宅急通p. 28,e.g. He is the last man to tell a lie.
- 常用來修飾形容詞比較級的字:even/ much/ a lot/ a little/ far/ no。
- 熟讀反身代名詞常見的片語,詳參宅急通p. 29。